Monday, February 17, 2020

Study Shows How Your Brain Physically Changes When You Consume Turmeric

Study Shows How Your Brain Physically Changes When You Consume Turmeric


Turmeric has been found to help brain regeneration, which is an extremely big deal since brain damage is difficult to combat. Aromatic turmerone, a fat-soluble ingredient of turmeric has been tested on adult rats. It turned out the component had a strong effect on the neural stem cells. In fact, they have increased in number by up to 80%, after being exposed to the ingredient. Putting it simply, they were healed. The rats started forming healthy new brain cells.

Aromatic-turmerone is a potent re-generator that can help to treat degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. It separates stem cells into neurons thus renewing the brain. Curcumin, the other mighty component of turmeric, can help improve memory in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s. Thus far, the studies have only been conducted on rat brains, so, whether the same effect can be achieved with humans, remains to be seen. however, the information gathered by the studies is too impressive to be simply ignored.

Although many people believe turmeric extract is enough, using the whole plant of turmeric is much more beneficial for your health than just curcumin extract. For example, in the case of colon inflammation, the extract will very likely be absorbed by the small intestine before even reaching the large where it is more needed, which can be avoided if you consume the whole turmeric plant.

Although the full effect of turmeric on the brain is yet unknown, starting to include it in your everyday diet certainly can’t harm you. In fact, it might even help you in the future. We recommend the usage of the whole plant in a raw state for achieving the best possible effect for your health.

Note: Before using any of these natural remedies, make sure to consult with a medical expert rather than choosing a treatment on your own.


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